
Fehler beim Mailversand von System Center Data Protect Manager

Fehler 1:

ID: 518
Details: An Authentication error occurred when trying to connect to the SMTP server.
You typed an incorrect user name, password, or SMTP server name. Type the correct user name and password to enable e-mail delivery of reports and alerts notifications.
After entering the information in all fields, sending a test message should succeed and you should then be able to receive e-mail reports and notifications if configured.

Fehler 2: 

ID: 2013
Details: Logon failure: unknown user name or bad password
DPM 2010 requires ALL the fields under the SMTP Server options to be filled in regardless if your SMTP server accepts anonymous connections or not.


  1. Schließen DPM und starten Sie Regedit.
  2. Wechseln Sie in das Verzeichnis
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\Notification\.
  3. Sichern Sie den Eintrag
    SMTPPassword and SMTPUserName keys
  4. Löschen Sie den Eintrag
    SMTPPassword and SMTPUserName keys

Achten Sie darauf, dass im Exchange Server unter Serverkonfiguration / Hub-Transport das System bzw. Port für den E-Mail Versand freigegeben ist.

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